VCA Examination Tips

Tips for performing the VCA

Before you can take the exam, of course, you will first have a course day. All topics are covered during the course, after which you will practice the exam questions, This final practice exam is the ultimate preparation for the real exam, After a break, you will start the VCA exam. After the exam, you will know immediately if you have passed and, if so, you will be listed in the VCA Central Register of Diplomas and receive your diploma within one working day.

There are different types of questions in the exam. Most of the exam consists of multiple-choice questions where you have to choose the correct answer from three, four, five or six answer options.

You will also be asked questions where you will have to indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statements. To vary the questions, the answers must be in the correct order or you must match the pictures with the correct answers.

  1. One of our most important tips for the VCA test is to take the maximum attention to the course,
    For this we need to forget our day-to-day work, and focus on the criteria to be followed in
    Safety, Health and Safety at Work and the Environment.That's what the test is all about!
  2. First answer the questions you are sure about. This gives him more time to concentrate on the
    more difficult questions and avoid running out of time.
  3. Use elimination. If you are unsure of the answer to a question, try removing the options from
    answer you are sure they are incorrect. This can make it easier to choose the answer.
  4. Be especially alert to questions that contain the words "Never", "None", "No", "Wrong", "Alone", "Best".. It can happen that you are cheated and write the wrong answer. This is purely a question of reading comprehension.

During the exam you can always go back to the questions already completed or skipped. Therefore, always check at the end of the exam whether you have completed all questions. Once you choose to close the exam, it will no longer be possible to go back to the questions. The examiner will immediately give you the result and you will not be able to do anything to change it.

The last, but most important tip is to don't forget your ID. Without a valid ID you are not allowed to take the exam. National Identity Card or Passport (Residence cards are not valid for the exam).


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