Are you ready to improve your occupational safety training and get your certification with our Basic VCA courseRegistering for our exam is the first step towards securing your professional future in construction, industry, transport and other high-risk fields.

Image of the VOL VCA Certificate

VCA Basic Examination Summary

The exam consists of a total of 40 questions related to the above-mentioned topics, which are covered in detail in the VCA Basic course.

The duration of the VCA Basic exam is 60 minutes. Good preparation in the VCA course is key to managing your time and passing this assessment.

You will have to get at least 26 answers right on the test. This makes a total of 65% of the total.

VCA Basic Examination Syllabus

Safety standards.

Labour inspection standards.

Accident prevention.

Rules for working with tools and machines.

Personal protective equipment.

Electricity rules.

Fire and explosion prevention.



Safety measures when working in lifts.

Welding safety.

Safety measures for working at great heights.

Internal security.

Hazardous substances.

What is the validity of the VCA Basic certificate?

Passing the exam after completing a VCA Basic course leads to the VCA Basic certificate, which is valid for 10 years. This document is a prerequisite for working on projects involving occupational hazards. It is one of the best ways to contribute to reducing accidents and improving safety culture in the workplace.


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